Saturday, September 13, 2014


One of the tools most naturals possess is a spray bottle. Whether you use an old product spray bottle or buy one from the beauty supply store, pharmacy, dollar store, etc., it is a good tool to have. 

We use it to refresh multiple day WnGs or to refresh/moisturize hair when we want to re-twist for a twist out. Some use just water while others, like myself, add other ingredients for extra moisture. There are products sold specifically for refreshing and moisturizing but it's also less expensive to just make your own and it last a bit longer. 

At present my water spray bottle contains Soultanicals BakeBerry Knot Fairy (a sweet scent version of their Knot Sauce) and Knot So Blue Detangling Dew along with Hairveda Vatika Frosting Herb Infused Coconut Oil (see my review on this oil in a previous blog post). I don't do exact measurements but simply guess-timate around a teaspoon of each and then add HOT tap water (makes it easier for the products to dissolve) and shake it up. I leave it for a bit to allow it to dissolve some. I don't fill the bottle all the way up, usually just over half way.

This combination gives my hair awesome moisture in between styles. I use it mainly to mist my hair before re-twisting it to refresh a twist out. I don't wear WnGs that often but when I do I also use my spray bottle mixture to refresh that style as well. 

You can use any type of leave-in conditioner you like or favor for your hair and oil. Some people just use an oil in the water. You can experiment until you find the combo that works best for YOUR hair.

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