Thursday, May 1, 2014


So I was not liking the look of my hair in WnGs (wash n go's) here lately and decided it was time to let go of some of my hair. I didn't want to sacrifice too much length but wanted my hair to have a better shape. It would hang in the back like a 'mullet' when I wore it in WnGs which is one of the reasons I think I rarely wore them but preferred more twist outs. I looked all through Instagram at other natural ladies' hair and picked out a few I liked so that the stylist would have an idea of what I was trying to accomplish. Next it was seeking out a stylist who was knowledgeable about natural hair and who would give me the look I was going for without becoming 'scissor happy' and giving me another 'big chop'...*handsoverface*...LoL! 

One stylist that stood out and that others had recommended to me was Mia Franklin (I can't for the life of me remember the name of her salon...sorry...oops). She is a naturalista herself and when I went to see her to talk to her about what I wanted to achieve she listened and advised me as to what she would do. She would cut some layers into my hair which would create fullness as well. I really liked that she seemed to understand exactly what my issue was with my hair. I made my appointment and couldn't wait to sit in her chair and have her transform my tresses. She done a great job and  the shape of my hair almost immediately looked better, as it dried it became full and big and took on a great shape! 

I don't have any recent before pictures of my hair in a WnG as I don't wear them often but this is my hair AFTER the cut yesterday and it was fully dry...the pics don't do it any justice as in person my hair was so full and big! 

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