Thursday, May 1, 2014


When I first went back to my natural hair I knew nothing about a hair regimen. My hair was so short that to me all I really felt I needed to do was wash it, deep condition and moisturize and go about my business. As I started to follow other naturals on various social media outlets such as Facebook, YouTube and blogs, I saw that many of them had developed a 'hair regimen' for themselves. It involved weekly or bi-weekly cleansing and deep conditioning, but also sometimes involved extra steps such as pre-pooing or once a month detox cleansing with hair mud/clay mixes for deep cleaning of their strands. 

So naturally as my hair grew I decided to try a hair regimen myself. I decided to do a weekly pre-poo/cleanse/deep condition/moisturize/style regimen. There have been times when my schedule doesn't allow me to do it weekly here lately but I don't go past two weeks without giving my hair some good TLC. I've found what products work best, as well as try new products and techniques for the sake of my hair page(s) and now my blog. I think it has contributed greatly to the growth and health of my hair over my 3 1/2 years of having natural hair. Some things that I used to do on a regular basis such as henna treatments and bentonite clay detox treatments I haven't kept up but here recently I decided to go back to including the bentonite clay detox treatment once a month to give my hair and scalp a good clarifying cleansing. Henna became so time consuming and all the mixing I just didn't have time for anymore. 

I also had to develop one for my daughter's hair once I transitioned her from texturizers back to her natural hair. Her hair is thicker than mines and requires lots of moisture. Finding products that worked in her hair was a task but after several months I found the ones that worked the best for moisturizing her hair. I use the L.O.C method (will do a separate blog post on this method) on her hair and it has been working great! Her hair is healthy and growing nicely. We do her hair regimen every two weeks. She wears her hair mostly in 2-strand twists as that's easy for her to maintain in between her hair pampering days. 

My Daughter's Hair 

Some will say that a 'hair regimen' is not needed, but I do think it helps in maintaining the health of your hair. I know some will also say that they don't have a lot of time but if you want healthy hair I believe you should make the time to pamper it. You don't have to do all the extras such as pre-pooing and mud wash detox treatments but even the basics like cleansing, deep conditioning and moisturizing makes a difference. I don't always have the time for my full hair pampering routine but those basics I believe have still helped me to maintain the health of my hair and contributed to its growth, as well as my daughter's hair. 

What do you think? Do you have a 'hair regimen'?

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