September 4th/2010 I decided to chop all the texturized straight ends off. I didn't like the fro but I got used to it. I couldn't wait to get my length back though. Everyone was so surprised that I had cut all my hair off because I had long hair for years. I think I was even surprised myself that I just let it go. I was trying to transition but didn't have the patience so off it went!
Over the last 4 years I've experimented with lots of products, techniques and styles. I've learned a lot and have been able to help and inspire others on their natural hair journey. I transitioned my teenage daughter out of a texturizer as well and have been encouraging her to embrace her natural tresses.
I have to say in the beginning right up until the last six months or so I have been obsessed with length and growing my hair out longer than when it was relaxed. Just recently I became bored with the long length and craved change. I have seen so many other natural ladies that I follow on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook 'big chop' again or chop off several inches of their hair and I think that was part of the inspiration for me to just go ahead and let the length go once again. So for my 4 year naturalversary that's exactly what I done.
My hair in March 2014...the last time I had it pressed out straight
Before my haircut on Sept 5/14...After my haircut on Sept 5/14
My hair styled in a WnG after the haircut on Sept 5/14
I love my haircut but I think it was a 'safe' cut and length. I will be going back and getting it cut in a more tapered shape.
I'm more focused on the health of my hair over the length right now. I will eventually grow it back out again, but for now I'm going to enjoy the shorter length.